OM13085 LPCXpresso

The Embedded SDK provides demonstration projects for the LPCXpresso LPC1769 evaluation board.

Demo Applications

  • Hello World
    A minimal application that uses the SDK library to initialize the MCU and provides a template for creating custom applications.
  • LED-Demo
    An application that demonstrates several drivers that are included within the SDK to drive the on-board LEDs. The application uses the SPI driver to display tenths of seconds upon the seven segment display. The application also demonstrates the usage the of PCA9532 driver to control additional LEDs.
  • Data Link
    An application that demonstrates an implementation of a data link over both the UART (FTDI connector) and native USB interfaces. See the data link demos for more information about how to use this application.
  • USB-Boot
    A USB Device Firmware Update (DFU) Bootloader application. The application provides the ability to update the device's firmware/software over a USB interface.
  • USB-Runtime
    A runtime application that can be updated using the USB-Boot bootloader application. This application also utilizes a Generic USB Interface to demonstrate USB communications with a PC.

Supported Toolchains/IDEs